
I lost 10 kilos to the content before the holy month of Ramadan

I lost 10 kilos to the content before the holy month of Ramadan exclusively on the center of Rajim free slimming magazine, the first Arab in the world of fitness and slimming diet program saturated and makes you lose weight on the sure, especially if you are a tense people

The lost weight consists of gases, grease and water. All you have to do is follow the program as it is without any change, and for weight loss, it will be 10 kilos for those who weigh more than 30 kilos than the normal weight.

Food Program

100 grams of fruit + 100 milliliters of milk or yoghurt (the best fat free) + 50 grams (any kind of carbohydrate) + coffee or any dipped + honey spoon + protein (Eggs, for example)

Snack (after 2 hours)
100 g fruit + handful of nuts

Food (after 2 hours)
300 vegetables (half cooked (eg salads) and half cooked (soup ... ..)) + 100 g carbohydrates (bread .. rice ... potatoes ... with ...) + 80 g protein (meat .. chicken ...

Snack (after 2 hours)
Cup of tea or coffee or drenched or vegetable juice + natural yogurt box)

Dinner (after 2 hours)
Open amount of vegetables (green, white or purple), + 100 g protein

Basic teachings to do
1 / between each meal and another two hours

2 / before sleeping a yogurt box with lemon drops (sixth meal)

3 / night sleep 8 hours

4 / Drink 3 liters of water throughout the day in small quantities

5 / yoga practice twice a week and the best reading century for psychological comfort.

6 / Cardio exercise daily 35 minutes.

7 / Exercise Strengthens muscles two to three times a week

8 / Adoption of a drink of teetox and mint drink boiled to accelerate the burning.

9 / Drink a glass of water Dafi with lemon drops on the saliva.

10 / Drink two cups of water before any meal.

11 / Alfri meal is either breakfast or food in the seventh day

12 / Sugar and white flour are completely forbidden even in the freezer

13 / Olive oil is allowed only two tablespoons a day.
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