
Huff Mayer diet for 4 kg in 4 days


- This diet program developed by the German nutrition expert "Huff Mayer" and is one of the fastest diets that help to lose weight by 4 kg in just 4 days, or an average of one kilogram a day.

- It is advisable to consult the specialist nutritionist before following this diet program because it is a harsh and fast diet, but effective and content.
Quick diet

- The diet program depends on eating low-calorie foods and low in containing carbohydrates and fats, but it is rich in protein and fiber.

- The "Hof Meier" program for quick reimim contains:

· Daily breakfast (constant throughout the diet days):

Medium-sized orange or apple on a stomach or grapefruit fruit, a cup of tea or coffee without adding sugar, a slice of toast.

· First day:

- Meal: 2 pieces grilled fillet or hamburger, green salad without oil or seasoning, slice of bread 50 grams.

- Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, green beans 250 grams.

- Before bed (after dinner about 3 hours): Eat a glass of fresh fruit juice.

· the second day:

- Meals: 100 grams of lean meat (can be replaced with two burger pieces), green salad without oil or seasoning, a glass of tomato juice.

- Dinner: a plate of boiled vegetables containing (zucchini, cauliflower and green beans).

- Before bed (after dinner about 3 hours): Eat a cup of apples without sugar, but one can use sugar substitutes.

· the third day:

- Food meal: boiled or grilled chicken, 100 grams of grated skin, green salad without oil or seasoning. (An apple or orange can be eaten after 3 hours).

- Dinner: 100 grams burger, grilled tomatoes.

- Before bed (after dinner about 3 hours): Eat a glass of natural peach juice.

· the fourth day:

- Food meal: 2 boiled egg, green beans 250 grams, a glass of tomato juice.

- Dinner: Burger or grilled fillet of 100 grams, lettuce salad.

- Before bed (after dinner about 3 hours): Eat a glass of pineapple juice without sugar, but one can use sugar substitutes.
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