Magic suhor loses you 5 kilos and removes the sense of thirst and hunger and saves you from the bulge of the rumen
Suhoor magical lose you 5 kilos and away from you sense of thirst and hunger and saves you from the bulge of rumen exclusively to the magazine Rajim first in the world of slimming and fitness Try now throughout the holy month of Ramadan 2016.
Suhur Ramadan
Cup boiled fennel seeds
3 apricot fruits
Half a banana
Half a teaspoon flax seeds
Mix all in the blender and drink as a sorcery meal
Fennel seeds Graduation of gases in the rumen
Flaxseeds are saturated and rich in saturated and beneficial fats and prevent the feeling of hunger
Apricots and bananas from the recommended fruit because it prevents thirst for its richness in potassium.
Must adhere to the system of calories and not to exceed 1500 calories a day.
Suhoor magical lose you 5 kilos and away from you sense of thirst and hunger and saves you from the bulge of rumen exclusively to the magazine Rajim first in the world of slimming and fitness Try now throughout the holy month of Ramadan 2016.
Suhur Ramadan
Cup boiled fennel seeds
3 apricot fruits
Half a banana
Half a teaspoon flax seeds
Mix all in the blender and drink as a sorcery meal
Fennel seeds Graduation of gases in the rumen
Flaxseeds are saturated and rich in saturated and beneficial fats and prevent the feeling of hunger
Apricots and bananas from the recommended fruit because it prevents thirst for its richness in potassium.
Must adhere to the system of calories and not to exceed 1500 calories a day.