Eat this on suhur and whatever you want in breakfast and get rid of it until 6 kilo in 20 days
Eat this on hour and whatever you want in breakfast and get rid of up to 6 kilo in 20 days exclusively on the magazine Rajim first in the world of fitness and slimming offer you the latest way to lose weight in Ramadan 2016 without fatigue and without thirst and certainly without hunger.
Magic Suhoor
Suhour makes you feel full and active and gives you the strength to endure the hardships of a long day of fasting and above this with him will not feel thirst in this extreme heat.
4 apricot fruits (frozen) ie about 200 grams and the equivalent of 84 calories
Spoon honey about 10 grams, equivalent to 30 calories
Spoon lemon juice
3 tablespoons water
We put all in the blender and we will get the suhour, which is a healthy and delicious ice cream and its calories are 114 calories.
How to eat breakfast
We mentioned that the breakfast is empty and you can eat what you want, provided that it does not exceed 1200 calories, which can be divided into two meals or one or three meals according to your desire. It consists of anything you want to keep.
Benefits of apricots
The American Medical website "Organicfacts" revealed three amazing benefits for apricots, including:
1. Promotes heart health: apricots are a great way to protect the heart from a host of diseases, including atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes, because it contains a high amount of vitamin C, as well as potassium and dietary fiber, which contribute to cardiovascular health Bloody good.
2. Energy promotes fluid levels throughout the body based mainly on two minerals, potassium and sodium, rich in apricots that distribute energy properly to proper organs and muscles and thus help strengthen the body after long periods of fasting.
3 -fights constipation: Apricots rich in fiber, and therefore good for bowel movements, and is often recommended for patients who suffer from constipation because of its properties Almlin, and fiber stimulates gastric juices and gastrointestinal tract, which helps absorption of nutrients.